Friday, March 16, 2012

What I Saw and How I Lied is the story of a girl who, due to her circumstances, is forced to grow up.

The story takes place in 1947. World War II has just ended and Evie's stepfather has just returned from the war. Oftentimes, Evie struggles to feel noticed and loved by her friends and family. Until one evening, she meets Peter...

Peter also served in the war and remains a mysterious character. He gives Evie the attention she needs and flatters her with his charm. 

Peter's Car

Peter is several years older than Evie but she doesn't care. She is in love and no one can tell her any different. She is taken with him and wants him and his affection more than anything.

Eventually, the people around Evie begin to change, including Peter. He doesn't notice her as often anymore and she works so hard to win his affection. She refuses to see the harmful changes taking place in her family. Their lack of communication is damaging beyond her understanding. Evie recognizes the issue, but by now it is too late.

Tragedy strikes when her mother, stepfather, and Peter go out for a boat ride. They refuse to heed the weather warnings and leave Evie behind at the hotel. Evie worries people are being evacuated due to a hurricane. She fails to realize it will be a while before she sees her family again. She breaks down when she finds the love of her life has disappeared.

In a matter weeks Evie's life has spiraled out of control. Everyone she has ever loved is broken or breaking and it is up to her to restore what dignity her and her family may sustain. Evie is now responsible to salvage a happy life the only way she knows how...lies.

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