Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Professor's House by Willa Cather - A Letter That Would Have Changed The Professor

Dearest Professor,
There were so many plans I had. There were so many things I wanted to do; for myself, for your daughter, and for you. I'm sorry that it had to be cut short. I'm sorry that I couldn't give your daughter everything she could ever want. I only hope that the vacuum's success is indicative of the amount time that went into creating it. If it is, then at least I was able to leave your daughter with something. I loved her. I hope that she is happy and I hope that you can find happiness in her and in your wife. Do not  be sad or depressed that I am gone, but instead live in a way that reflects our relationship. Live in a way that utilizes the genius that is Godfrey St. Peter. I am sure that your book, although never finished, is changing the world and the minds of many people. Nobody is as much a scholar as you when it comes Spanish Adventures in North America, and I am honored that I was able to be involved in your eternal impact on the genre of history.
There are so many things I would love to ask you. Did you move into your new house yet? How is it? How is your family? How is your relationship with your wife? How is Rosamund? Is she happy? How was the book received? Did it win any awards?
I only hope that one day I will see you again. This is my hope so that you can tell me all about your life and also that I would one day, again, get to meet with a man that has had a great and everlasting impact on my life. I thank God that I had the opportunity to meet you let alone come up under your teaching. Be happy and live long.

Your student,
Tom Outland

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