Friday, March 16, 2012


once uPon a time in the futuRe....

tEenaGers were rewarded for getting pregNANT

The best PREGGERS are the most famous celebrities.
There is an epidemic virus that causes everyone over the age of 18 to be infertile....
This made any teenager who is able to get bumped and get prego is the most prized members of the society. 


"FERTILICIOUS"                            *                                     * SEX

"BUMP"                                              *                                      * PREGNANT

"Pregging"                                         *                                      * CELEBRITY

"QUICKwiki"                                    *                                     * FABULOUS

"reproductive professional"     *                                      * WIKIPEDIA

There is an IDENTical twin...

and the other was  MELODY

MELODY: "One thing I appreciate about Harmony is that I don't have to worry about encryption. Her immediate intentions are totally clear: She's here to make me get religion." 

HARMONY:"Melody and I came into this life together and i'll do whatever it takes to see her in the next one. But, by grace, she's not making it easy."   

What does joy stand for? 

Harmony answers...

Jesus first
Others next
Yourself last

"ONLY you can choose how and when you want to pregg. the POWER is YOURS!"  -Veronica

LEtter from Harmony and Melody 10 years later...

Dear girls... and boys...

Do not listen to what the world says about....
what is cool and not cool, 
what is FERTILICIOUS or not,
what determines someone's worth...

It is up to yourself to decide who you should be.
It is up to yourself to decide what you want to be.

DO NOT let someone tell you what you are worth by their standards.
because we are... 
we all are....

"We are smart

we are stunning

we are strong

we are everything we need to be (pg 302)" 

Melody and Harmony

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