Friday, February 17, 2012

"The Vow" by Kim and Krickitt Carpenter

I read the book "The Vow" by Kim and Krickitt Carpenter.

 This story is about two people who fell in love, and got married within the course of a year. Two months after their wedding, while traveling to visit Krickitt's parents for Thanksgiving, they were involved in a terrible car accident.
This accident nearly killed both of them. Kim writes about the struggles he faced shortly after the accident when the emergency room doctor handed him his wife's wedding ring and said "I'm sorry Mr. Carpenter." Not knowing if his wife would make it through the night Kim and Krickitt's family witnesses a miracle that was truly from God. Krickitt began to improve on her vital signs and eventually was released to an inpatient therapy hospital.

Krickitt suffered from a tremendous brain injury that left her with no recollection of the last eighteen months. She had no idea that she was married and did not even recognize her husband. Kim writes about his struggles of trying to help his wife recover even though she has no idea who he is.

 After several therapy sessions Kim's therapist suggests that Kim and Krickitt should "date" each other again. Since it is clear Krickitt cannot remember their past life together, making new memories is what is suggested to keep their marriage together.

The book which has recently become a movie starring Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams, focuses on the "vow" that Kim and Krickitt made to each other on their wedding day.

Kim's vow to Krickitt at their second ceremony:

"I promise to defend our love and hold it in highest regard. I promise to be forgiving, understanding, and patient. I promise to tend to your every need. I promise to respect and honor you fully. Most of all, I promise that no matter the adversaries we may face, I will never ever lose the vow of commitment to protect you, guide you, and care for you until death do us part...."

Kim and Krickitt now have two children and although her memory has never returned she is able to reflect on the new memories she has made.

Interview of Kim and Krickett

This story is the truest form of love for your spouse and committing to the vow, "for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health..."

Publication info:

B&H Publishing Group
Nashville, Tennessee

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