Friday, February 17, 2012

Teen Girl Self-Help

“I get mad a lot at little things that happen. I don’t show that I’m upset, but in my room I cry.  I try to tell my family about it, but either they don’t listen or telling them makes it worse. I don’t know what to do.”
         -Feeling Angry-

Dear Feeling Angry,
Being a teenager is exciting and scary. You’re experiencing lots of new things and may not know how to handle certain situations. Please know that all women have gone through the same process and we are here to help. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Knowledge is power. You can make it through your unique journey. You may feel out of place most of the time, but that feeling will pass over time. Don’t listen to others who will try to put you down and make you doubt yourself! You can do anything that you set your mind to. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you.
Often times, it becomes you may feel that you parents – or anyone for that matter understands you. Please know that they have gone through similar things and are a wellspring of information and advice. Look for a smart adult, from which you can learn –whether that be you parents, an aunt or uncle, a teacher, or a coach. 
About To Turn 20

Janis (from Mean Girls) - a social outcast who maintains a sarcastic yet happy outlook on life.

Burn Book (from Mean Girls) - where the popular group wrote horrible things about people they didn't like.

Book Information:
Title: The Feelings Book: The Care and Keeping of Your Emotions (American Girl Library)
Author: Dr. Lynda Madison
Publisher: Pleasant Company Publications 
Copyright: © 2002 by American Girl, LLC.
Summary: This book deals with the emotions of teenage girls. It is better suited for younger girls and helps them to identify and handle different emotions.
Quote: Page 8 – “Emotions are reactions you have to things happening around you, and you use “feeling” words to describe them. Because the events you react to are changing, it’s natural that your emotions would change, too! (That’s why the word “emotion” has “motion” built right into it. You can be soaring to the top of the world one minute and feel stuck in the mud the next. Sometimes you may not even be sure how you feel at all.”
         “Feeling Angry” quote, from the top of this assignment, was taken from the first page also containing publishing and copyright information.
         As a child, my mom gave me the first The Care and Keeping of You (American Girl Library) that dealt with the physical changes that occur during a girl’s early teenage years. This is why I decided to pick this book, which deals with the emotional side of adolescent girls. 

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