Friday, February 17, 2012

Just Listen

Published by Penguin Group

Shhh, Annabel. It's just me.


Name: Annabel Greene
Age: 16
Nickname: It girl
Job: Modeling

"Don't think or judge," I said. "Just Listen." 

She is the girl that appears on commercials on local TV channels. She is the girl who appears billboards and magazines for department stores. She is the top student, popular cheerleader, gorgeous prom queen, surrounded by friends, and never alone. 

She is the girl who has everything. 
Or at least it appears that way...

In reality, her Annabel's life is far from perfect. Her mother went through depression after the death of her own mother and is now obsessed with her daughters' modeling careers. Her two supposedly perfect modeling sisters are no longer on speaking terms. Whitney, the second sister, had an eating disorder as a result of her obsession with modeling. 

Whats worse,
Her was-bestfriend Sophie is openly dissing her, calling her "slut," "whore," "bitch," and all sorts of shrewd names infront of everyone at school. Ever since the incident during the summer, Sophie has openly accused Annabel of betraying her and is now spreading rumors about Annabel. 

Annabel is suddenly alone and has no one that she can trust. 
She has no one to tell what's really on her mind. 

Owen Armstrong appeared. 

"I don't lie, Owen had said, with the same flat certainty someone else might tell you they didn't eat meat or know how to drive. I wasn't sure I could even fathom it, but i still envied Owen his easy bluntness, the ability to open himself out into the world instead of folding deeper within. Especially now, as I headed inside, where my mother was waiting for me..." 

Name: Owen Armstrong
Age: 16
Hobby: Listening to his Ipod 

OBSESSED with music.  
always telling the TRUTH. 

Owen Armstrong reaches out to Annabel when she had no one else to turn to. 
He listens. He shares his crazy "out-of-this-world" music and pulls Annabel out of herself. He teaches her honesty, courage, and strength. As their friendship grows and they begin to open up to each other, Annabel embarks on a journey to face the past, find courage, and face the future....

Dear Annabel,
Thank you for pulling through till the end and choosing to be courageous. 
Thank you for standing up for what's right and for willing to face your fears so that you could give validity to the TRUTH. 
One day, I hope to be able to speak up and tell my story. 
I hope one day I will also have the courage to listen to others' story.


The best way out is always through.
-Robert Frost

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