Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Fault in Our Stars Blog Review by Tony Simpson

Recently I got the chance to hang around with Augustus Waters, one of the protagonists from John Green's novel "The Fault in Our Stars." Well, I suppose 'hang around' is the wrong word; we spent several days together, flew to Amsterdam and back, met some memorable characters and ultimately had quite the adventure. During the intervening time, I had the opportunity to ask him a couple questions.

Me: So, how old are you, again?

Augustus: Seventeen and still kicking.

Me: What do you like to do? Any hobbies?

AW: Well, I’ve always loved a good action flick. You know, the one where the main guy heroically throws himself on a grenade for a girl. Also, Hazel Grace got me hooked on a pretty amazing book…

Me: Hazel Grace?

AW: What? How do you NOT know Hazel? She’s great.

Me: Sorry…how did you guys meet?

AW: Oh, the usual. Cancer Support Group and a movie night.

Me: Cancer?

AW: Seriously? Did you even READ the book? We’ve both got the stuff flowing through our veins.

Me: Wow, I’m sorry to hear that.

AW: Don’t worry about it. We’ve been dealing with it forever. We’re pretty used to it by now.

Me: What were you saying about that book?

AW: Oh, the one Hazel lent me? It’s called An Imperial Affliction. The worst part about it, though, is that it just ends. You’ve got all these unanswered questions and then all of a sudden it

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