Thursday, March 15, 2012

She Said Yes by: Misty Bernall

The book "She Said Yes" written by Misty Bernall was written as a tribute to her daughter Cassie Bernall. Cassie died in the Columbine shootings on April 20, 1999. The book talks about her life before she became a Christian as well as after. Cassie was asked the question "do you believe in God" and when she replied "yes" she was shot point blank in the head.
The book tells about her life before she was saved. She lived a dark life very much like her killers. In her journals she wrote several times about wanting to kill her parents and how she would do it. She wore black clothing and got involved with a crowd. Cassie and her friends talked about satanic rituals, drew graphic pictures of killing their parents and smoked pot on regular occasions. Until her parents found out and called for a stop in her activities.
Cassie got involved in a church youth group and met new friends who were very accepting and loving toward her. On March 8, 1997 she talks about how she was "reborn." In the book her mom gives several accounts from her perspective as well as her husbands. She quotes many of the things Cassie told her and quotes several of Cassie's close friends.
The book shows that even after becoming a Christian Cassie went through many struggles with hurting herself, and having dark thoughts. However the way Cassie died shows that she was ultimately sold out to Christ.
I like that this story can be read in a private or public school environment. The book is just a history of the Columbine shootings and the life of a girl who was killed in the shootings.

The story also gives inspiration, hope, and warning signs to parents who may have a teen going down a similar road. Teens can also relate to the book because they can connect with many of the feelings Cassie had. The feelings of "hating your parents" and feeling like the world is going to end. However, Cassie gives a hope to teens that their lives can be changed.

Dear Cassie,

There have been so many people who's lives have been changed just by reading about your life. Sometimes in life God allows things to happen for His honor and glory. Your life left behind a hope that no matter how far down the road you have gone God can still save. What an inspiration to teenagers as well as parents of teenagers. You showed courage by saying yes to the question "do you believe in God." You left a resonating question in the minds of young people throughout America, if I was asked that question would I have the bravery to be able to say yes. I remember being in high school and asking myself that question. Could I look my killers in the face knowing I would be killed and saying yes I believe in God. Thank you Cassie for your challenge and truly inspirational message.


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